Solidarity is Power

I was thinking about how solidarity is our “secret weapon”, the one thing we have that can’t be corrupted by capitalist interests, the key to getting out of this mess. It’s the glue that holds us together when those in power are doing everything possible to divide us. It’s important to talk about why capitalism is evil and needs to be overcome, but it’s not enough to focus only on that. The collapse or destruction of capitalism won’t necessarily lead to a better place all by itself. What do we have that transcends it? The fact that we’re fighting for all of us! The fact that we either ALL get there or none of us do. No one can co-opt that because every other social initiative is only for the benefit of some, not for all. A while back I made a drawing with “Solidarity” on it, but it wasn’t completely satisfying — I’ve had a persistent feeling that it lacked something. Adding “power” to the equation solves it for me. Of course solidarity (like love, caring, friendship) is good in itself, not just a means to an end…BUT my mind is also constantly on the massive problem that we need to solve. And solidarity is what can give us the power to do that. “Solidarity is Power” says both what we need and how to get it.


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